John Dolan Resource Centre
What's New?
Partons please note that during the summer, staff are on holidays at various times. Please call SACL before visiting the library to ensure that there will be someone who can assist you in your library research.
New Holdings!
We want to let our patrons know about new holdings that are available at the library. Please check back often.
“Behavioral disorders”, Journal of the Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders.
“Beyond behavior, a magazine exploring behaviors of children and youth”, Council for Children with Behavioral Disorder.
For those who attended the March IABA conference in Saskatoon, the library has the following training kits that can support and enhance your training:
COMPETENCY BASED TRAINING [KIT] / Shaull, Julia F.; LaVigna, Gary W.; Willis, Thomas J. Institute for Applied Behaviour Analysis, 1992. Professional development program which can be adapted to separate versions for each type of service, for example, one for supported employment, one for supported living and also by entry level. The kit includes 1 copy each of the following video, "Regular lives" as well as four books: "Progress without punishment: effective approaches for learners with behavior problems."; V0351
EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AND REACTIVE STRATEGIES WITHIN A NONAVERSIVE FRAMEWORK[VIDEORECORDING] / Willis, Thomas J.; LaVigna, Gary W. -- Greenville, SC: Institute for Applied Behaviour Analysis, 1999. This "video training program.....is a set of eight videotapes ranging is length from 20 minutes to 1 hour 25 minutes. The program was developed to be viewed sequentially (i.e., videotape #1, videotape #2, etc.). " The manual is devided into five sections: Student V0318
POSITIVE APPROACHES TO SOLVING BEHAVIOR CHALLENGES [VIDEORECORDING] / Willis, Thomas J.; LaVigna, Gary W. -- Greenville, SC: Institute for Applied Behavior Analysis, 1992. This "video training program.....is a set of eight videotapes ranging is length from 20 minutes to 1 hour 25 minutes. The program was developed to be viewed sequentially (i.e., videotape #1, videotape #2, etc.). " The manual is devided into five sections: Student V0319 |
New Online Library Service
The SACL is proud to announce a new service through its John Dolan Resource Centre. The Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) will allow patrons to search the extensive library holdings and place orders for materials, all online.
To access the OPAC follow the link at http://www.sacl.org/library. If you wish to book, reserve, borrow or rent resources you have found on our catalogue please contact Lalita Martfeld, our librarian to receive your own unique user name and password. Phone her at (306) 955-3344, ext. 20 or by email.
This library is one of Canada's most extensive lending libraries of its kind open to not only its own members, but to the general public. The collection features resources on intellectual and other disabilities, inclusion and all aspects of community living. More than 5,000 items including books, reports, video and audio materials, journals, training kits, and information packages are available. A vast range of information is offered, from archival materials to the most current resources available including SACL-published materials.
A full-time librarian is on hand to assist patrons, and the Centre (housed at the SACL head office in Saskatoon) has developed an excellent reputation. Educators, students at all levels, various professionals, families, volunteers and human services staff are regular patrons. There is a constant and growing need for the most up-to-date resources and for more resources accessible to people with limited literacy skills.
The Resource Centre loans most materials free of charge. Some borrowing fees apply to specific materials, and some are only available for in-house viewing. As much advance notice as possible is requested; return is expected promptly to avoid delays for other patrons. For borrowing information, contact the Resource Centre librarian at (306) 955-3344, fax (306) 373-3070 or email: [email protected].
The Association recognizes the generous sponsorship of this new service by the Provincial Training Committee (PTC), made up of the following partners:
The PTC promotes competent, qualified, and valued support providers and individuals with disabilities. It is committed to working together to develop and deliver services and support based on full citizenship and participation in the community.